From the Book - [1st ed.]
Feminism and socialism: Lund, C. Female liberation and socialism, an interview. Waters, M.-A. Are feminism and socialism related?
Issues in the women's movement: Stone, B. Women and political power. Double jeopardy, the oppression of Black women and Chicanas: Williams, M. Why women's liberation is important to Black women. Vidal, M. Chicanas speak out
new voice of La Raza. Jaquith, C. Issues before the abortion movement. Stone, B. Questions and answers on the Equal Rights Amendment. Feeley, D. The family. Miller, R. A reply to Dr. Spock on child care. Lipman, C. Why red-baiting hurts the feminist movement.
The literary storm: Sexual politics, a Marxist appreciation: Dawson, K. A revolutionary perspective on the oppression of women. Reed, E. In defense of Engels on the matriarchy. Feeley, D. Women and the Russian Revolution. Chertov, E. Women's oppression, the literary reflection. Jenness, L. An answer to Norman Mailer's Prisoner of sex.
A socialist program for women's liberation: Towards a mass feminist movement.