The reading brain. From Lizard to Linnaeus ; Halves and wholes ; Circuits and lobes ; Questions and answers ; The eternal triangle ; The language pathway: linking semantics and phonology ; The lexical pathway: the importance of orthography ; The sublexical pathway: sounding it out
What are reading difficulties? A range of behaviors ; Terms to describe difficulties ; Two case studies ; The simple view of reading ; To better understand difficulties, graph the simple view ; We can prevent problems
Highly effective teaching techniques. Use repetition and distributed practice ; Teach directly and explicitly ; Instantly correct errors ; Give wait time ; Activate the senses with a multisensory component
Building language comprehension. Components of language comprehension ; Practices to build and strengthen language comprehension ; Vocabulary instruction that builds background knowledge ; Bringing it all together: the interactive read-aloud ; Why language comprehension is so important
Building phonological skills. Phonological, phonemic, and phonics ; Advanced phonological awareness is important ; Activities that teach large chunks of sound: phonological awareness ; Activities that teach the smallest chunks of sound: phonemic awareness ; Phonological foundations
Building orthographic skills. Review of orthography and the brain dictionary ; Building letter-sound associations ; Noticing and using patterns for reading, spelling, and vocabulary meaning ; Read, read, read
Reading: guided, repeated, independent. More reading for every student ; Small-group guided reading ; Reading to develop fluency ; Reading poems: shared, guided, and independent ; Supported independent reading