Why consider opposing viewpoints? --
ch. 1. What is renewable energy? --
1. Renewable energy : an overview / Environmental Literacy Council --
2. Nuclear power is renewable / Gia Milinovich --
3. Nuclear power is not renewable / Pembina Institute --
4. Energy from garbage is renewable / Nickolas J. Themelis and Karsten Millrath --
5. Energy from garbage is not renewable / Peter Montague --
6. Manure processed in methane digesters is renewable / Martha T. Moore --
7. Manure processed in methane digesters should not be considered renewable / Sierra Club --
Periodical bibliography --
ch. 2. Is renewable energy beneficial? --
1. Renewable energy is necessary to reduce global warming / Al Gore --
2. Renewable energy is economically beneficial / Roger Bezdek --
3. Renewable energy is economically costly / Independence Institute --
4. Renewable energy is beneficial for the environment / Science Clarified --
5. Renewable energy is not beneficial for the environment / Jesse H. --
6. Hydrogen is not a practical fuel source / Ed Hiserodt --
7. Hydrogen fuel cells are the best hope for the future / Amory B. Lovins --
Periodical bibliography --
ch. 3. What are the benefits of ethanol as a renewable transportation fuel? --
1. Using ethanol as fuel is beneficial / Natural Resources Defense Council and Climate Solutions --
2. Using ethanol as fuel is not beneficial / Ed Wallace --
3. Producing ethanol from cellulose is beneficial / Diane Greer --
4. Producing ethanol from cellulose is not beneficial / Alice Friedemann --
5. Producing ethanol from corn will hurt food supplies / Lester R. Brown --
6. Producing ethanol from corn will not hurt food supplies / Patrick Mazza --
Periodical bibliography --
ch. 4. How should the government promote renewable energy and fuel? --
1. A national renewable fuel standard is beneficial / Robert Meyers --
2. Implementation and environmental concerns surround the national renewable fuel standard / Rosalie Westenskow --
3. A national renewable portfolio standard is beneficial / Jaime Steve --
4. A national renewable portfolio standard is not completely beneficial / Thomas R. Kuhn --
5. Net metering programs are good policies / Mona Newton --
6. Net metering programs could hurt electric utilities / Frank Graves, Philip Hanser, and Greg Basheda for the Edison Electric Institute --
Periodical bibliography --
For further discussion --
Organizations to contact --