Robert Frost
1) A boy's will
A Boy's Will (1913) is a collection of poems by American poet Robert Frost. Published in London and dedicated to the poet's wife, Elinor, A Boy's Will, which received enthusiastic early reviews from both Ezra Pound and W.B. Yeats, launched Frost's career as America's leading poet of the early-twentieth century. Invoking such figures as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Emily Dickinson, and Thomas Hardy, Frost ties himself to tradition while establishing...
North of Boston (1914) is a collection of poems by American poet Robert Frost. Following the success of Frost's debut, A Boy's Will (1913), North of Boston was published in London to enthusiastic reviews from both Ezra Pound and W.B. Yeats. His success abroad quickly translated to critical acclaim in the United States, and Frost would eventually be recognized as a leading American poet.
"Mending Wall" takes place in spring, as the people emerge...
H. Holt and company
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Mountain Interval (1916) is a collection of poems by American poet Robert Frost. Having gained success with his first two collections, both published in London, Frost returned home to New Hampshire and completed his third volume, Mountain Interval. The book opens with "The Road Not Taken," and though this would become Frost's most famous poem, the collection is not defined by it. Here we find the hallmarks of Frost's work: rural landscapes, dramatic...
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New Hampshire is Robert Frost's poetic tour de force. It won the Pulitzer Prize for excellence in poetry. While Frost had been a respected poet before New Hampshire's release New Hampshire, forever cemented Frost's standing as, the greatest American Poet. If you've never read Frost, this is the book with which to start. It includes some of his most beloved poems such as "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," "Nothing Gold Can Stay" and "Fire and...
"Whether memorized by schoolchildren or used to eulogize a president, 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,' written in 1922 and published in 1923, has found a place as one of the best-loved and best-known American poems of the last hundred years. Now, six decades after the passing of its author, Robert Frost, celebrated artist P.J. Lynch brings this classic to new life with exquisitely detailed illustrations, evoking its iconic moments and wintry...
7) Robert Frost
"Kids will discover the poetry of Robert Frost in this installment in the Poetry for Kids series. Professor, poet, novelist, and Frost biographer Jay Parini has carefully chosen 35 poems of interest to children and their families, including "Mending Wall," "Birches," "The Road Not Taken," "Fire and Ice," "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," and many more of Frost's favorite and most accessible works"--
13) Birches
Henry Holt
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An illustrated version of the well-known poem about birch trees and the pleasures of climbing them.